Happy Heart's Day!

As we celebrate this Love Month may we remeber what Love really is.

1 John 4:10

This is real love - not that we loved God, but that HE LOVED US, and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

We, humans, were created by God that need and desire to be loved and to loved. It is in our nature to desire love, and to feel alive, inspired, whole, and satisfied when we are loved and cared for by someone, it might be our partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, or friends. But the truth is their love (human love) is not the real love at all, it is not the love that truly satisfies, rather it is God's love for you that makes it.

The Bible defines 'real love' as this: "He loved us". The Father loves us, as he gave up his Son for the forgiveness of our sins.

Just look at your parent's love for you, even though they're imperfect and make mistakes yet their love for you is authentic and sacrificial. Now, look at the Father's love. His love for you is a thousand times the love of your parents for you. Most parents want the best for their children, the best education, the best gift, the best food, the best life, and the best future, as long as they're able to give it. Now look at the Father's love for you, His love for you is a million, billion (and even more) times as your parent's love. Can you imagine that kind of love? That's why it is the only love that can truly satisfy and fill you up.

If our parents are willing to give up everything just to provide the best for us, so too is our Father in heaven. He knows what's best for you and me; that's why He gave up His Son on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. This act is His love language for you—giving up His Son, Jesus—which grants you the identity to be a righteous person and not a sinner anymore in His sight, giving you the right to success in this life, the right to be blessed, and the right to be healed.

Do you know that the Father loves you just as He loves Jesus? His love for Jesus is the same love He has for you. He loves you just as you are. This love is not based on your good works, nor can it change just because you've done bad works; it is completely dependent on Him. No matter what you've done in the past, He still loves you. You are still worthy to Him, still His beloved child, still the apple of His eye. No amount of your unworthiness, shame, or sins can change the way He sees and loves you.

It cost God the Father his Son to love you righteously

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Do you believe this my friend? If you believe this can you pray this prayer under your breath? :

Father, I agree that I am a sinner, but thank you because of Jesus's finished work you made me righteous before you. I believe that Jesus bore ALL my sins, and I believe that I am forgiven. Thank you for your gift of righteousness and salvation. Amen!


Because of your faith in Jesus, you are always righteous before God. He will never condemn or punish you for your sins because Jesus had already borne the punishment and judgment for all of your sins on the cross.

God cannot punish nor judge you anymore because Jesus, your Savior, has already received the punishment for your sins.

Today, your Father in heaven always smiles upon you. He finds pleasure in you and will consistently love you through your lowest and highest moments, regardless of failure or success, and amidst the worst and best states of your behavior and personality

Nothing you can do or not do will change His love for you, my friend. His love for you is always dependent on Him. He is your Abba Father, your Daddy God. and you'll always be His beloveed child!

A message from Kuya Fidel

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